Fear is instructive. It acts like a warning system that we’re either pressing or over extending in an area where we need more help.

Debilitating Fear is destructive. It tears us down. Weakens our physical frame, leading to other problems all together.

What can leaders do when they experience fear? It’s best to pay attention when it’s the first kind before it reaches the second kind. Asking for help… Seeking out a mentor. .. Calling on God… Learning something new… Stopping an activity… Starting a plan… All good ideas.

When I work with leaders developing a new ministry or project, fear is one of the frequent topics of conversation. (Let’s get over the notion that we’re the only ones who face it.) Without trivializing the experience, I look for ways to face the fear together and make tiny bite-sized improvements based on previous success.

Where have you been fruitful in the past? How can we build on that today?